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Turf Science Live tackles key challenges in turf management

The recent Turf Science Live event, held at North Hants Golf Club in Fleet, Hampshire, brought together golf course and turf managers for a day of immersive learning and networking

Turf managers gathered at North Hants Golf Club for the fifteenth annual Turf Science Live event, hosted by ICL and Syngenta, to explore the latest innovations and best practices in turf care


Sports & Parks

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10 September 2024

The recent Turf Science Live event, held at North Hants Golf Club in Fleet, Hampshire, brought together golf course and turf managers for a day of immersive learning and networking. 

Organised by ICL and Syngenta, the event, now in its fifteenth year, has consistently provided valuable insights and practical knowledge in the field of turf management.

The event featured several interactive stations designed to tackle the key challenges faced by turf managers. 

Ed Carter, Business manager, ICL, said: “Turf Science Live showcases what ICL and Syngenta are developing in terms of research and development.  It provides a platform for customers to share their challenges and feedback, enabling us to explore potential solutions that can help them in their pursuit of performance.”

The stations covered a variety of topics, including moisture management, Dollar spot, organic fertilisers, and precision nutrition. 

Eric Chen, Technical manager for biologicals research, Syngenta, said: “With climate change, turf grass can lose a lot of water due to sun radiation and wind. However, over-irrigating can be just as detrimental as not irrigating at all.”

Chen’s goal was to educate attendees on why, how, and when to apply wetting agents and new technologies for effective water resource utilisation.

The event provided a platform for industry professionals to discuss the latest developments in turf management. 

Dr Andy Owen, International Technical manager for ICL, presented on the benefits and considerations of soil organic matter, the sustainability of organic fertilisers and their performance and marketing strategies.

Phil Collinson, Sales & Business Development manager emphasised the importance of precision nutrition and showcased ICL’s latest research and development advancements in fertiliser and application technology, aimed at helping end users achieve optimal results.

The networking aspect of Turf Science Live was equally valuable. Barry West from Royal 

Please contact ICL on 01473 237100 or 

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