Riverside planting and bush trimming services required

Works to be completed across a 2.6km stretch of the Dresnagh River
19 May 2022
At Growtrade, we highlight public procurement opportunities from around Ireland that would be suitable to landscapers, growers, turfgrass professionals, horticulturalists, and forestry professionals.
Here is one such tender from the Loughs Agency, which requires riverside planting and bush trimming services.
Detailed description
Riparian planting and bush trimming along 2.6km stretch of the Dresnagh River from the river’s confluence with the Finn upstream consisting of 5,114m of fencing of various specs including sheep wire, electric fencing and horizontal barb.
A total of 19 stiles and 35 unigates will be installed at specific locations along the fence as will 28 solar powered pumps (of two different specs) and 73 eighty gallon twin reservoir troughs.
An area instream containing high silt deposits approximately 209 metres squared at the confluence to the main Finn must be cleaned out to allow better access upstream also.
Type of contract: Works
Contracting authority: Loughs Agency, 22 Victoria Road Co. Londonderry, United Kingdom
Contact: Chris Cumiskey
Response deadline: 06/06/2022 17:00:00 (Irish time)
CPV codes
45243510-0 Embankment works
45246200-5 Riverbank protection works
45262640-9 Environmental improvement works
45340000-2 Fencing, railing and safety equipment installation work
45342000-6 Erection of fencing
71313000-5 Environmental engineering consultancy services
71332000-4 Geotechnical engineering services
71337000-9 Corrosion engineering services
77310000-6 Planting and maintenance services of green areas
90722000-4 Environmental rehabilitation
98342000-2 Work environment services
You can view and apply for this contract here.
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