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M&S kicks off inaugural ‘Farm to Foodhall’ campaign

Campaign will follow chef Mark Moriarty as he visits M&S Select Farms across Ireland



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29 June 2023

M&S is launching its inaugural ‘Farm to Foodhall’ campaign, fronted by M&S chef ambassador Mark Moriarty.

M&S and Moriarty will be taking you on their journey to explore the lengths Irish farmers embark on, to deliver the highest quality M&S Irish produce, from Farm to Foodhall.

The new multimedia campaign will showcase Mark Moriarty meeting with the M&S Select Irish Farmers behind the retailer’s Irish beef and fresh Irish berries.

During the series, Moriarty heads to where M&S’ Irish berries are sourced and learns what’s involved in picking fresh strawberries

M&S Select Farms encourage a natural eco system in their greenhouses and use bees to pollinate the fruit.

Customers will see the Farm to Foodhall campaign across TV, social, OOH, emails and in store.

This campaign further showcases M&S’ commitment to using Irish suppliers and expanding upon its existing range of products sourced from Ireland.

Eddie Murphy, trading director at M&S Ireland, said: “I am thrilled to introduce our new Farm to Foodhall campaign, which champions the incredible work of our M&S Select Farms in Ireland. At M&S, we have always believed in supporting and showcasing the very best of what Ireland has to offer, starting with our top-quality stem picked strawberries and 100% traceable Irish beef. This initiative takes our commitment to a whole new level.

“We have partnered for many years with an exceptional network of farmers and producers who share our passion for quality, sustainability, and community. By championing Irish suppliers, we are not only bringing exceptional products to our customers’ tables but also helping to nurture and strengthen the Irish food industry.”

“I am delighted to be partnering with Marks and Spencer for their Farm to Foodhall campaign,” said Moriarty. “This initiative not only supports Irish suppliers but also enables customers to experience the exceptional flavours of locally sourced produce. By prioritising sustainability and responsible sourcing, we can make a positive impact on our communities and the environment. I look forward to working with Marks and Spencer to promote these values and inspire customers to embrace high-quality Irish ingredients.”

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