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Have your say in’s annual Industry Sentiment Survey

Photo by Gary Barnes

We are eager to learn about the challenges, trends, and subjects that matter most to you and your business



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27 February 2025

Klasmann Deilmann logoThe horticulture industry is continually evolving, presenting both challenges and opportunities for professionals across the sector.

To gain a deeper understanding of these dynamics, we are conducting our annual ‘Industry Sentiment Survey‘ and would greatly appreciate your valuable input, proudly sponsored by Klassman-Deilmann.

Your participation will help us identify key issues and trends, informing future strategies and initiatives. will also be comparing the results from this year’s survey with 2023’s data to highlight any shifts in industry sentiment.

Join your peers in sharing your experiences and perspectives to help drive positive change within horticulture.

Let your voice be heard and take part in the Industry Sentiment Survey here.

Sponsored by Klasmann-Deilmann ‘we make it grow’

Stay tuned for exclusive results, available only on

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