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National Botanic Gardens to host guided glasshouse tour

The National Botanic Gardens is home to the Teagasc College of Amenity Horticulture, located at Glasnevin, Dublin 9. Photo: Peter Stears.

Attendees will explore the great glasshouses of the Gardens, and the remarkable plants therein



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23 February 2023

The National Botanic Gardens of Ireland is hosting a guided ‘Plant Palaces’ tour on 25 February from 2 to 3pm.

Attendees will learn about plant species from around the globe, and explore their survival in extreme environments, as well as hearing how its glasshouses were designed and constructed, and later restored to their former glory.

Tickets are €5. To register for the event, visit: www.eventbrite.ie/e/guided-tour-plant-palaces

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