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DCC seek landscape equipment suppliers

Tenderers are invited to apply for and can be successful in, one, several, or all lots. The lots are: tractors, tractor mounted equipment, mowers, miscellaneous.

Fertiliser distributors; lawn, or sports-ground rollers; lawn, park, or sports-ground mowers; and spraying machinery for agriculture or horticulture are just some of the types of machinery being sought by Dublin City Council.



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7 November 2018

Dublin City Council (DCC) proposes to establish a four-year multi-party framework agreement for the supply and delivery of plant and equipment to Dublin City Council’s Parks and Landscape services division.

The framework will be in four lots. Lots One, Two, and Three will be a maximum of five suppliers per lot, subject to receiving sufficient number of valid tenders. Lot Four will have a maximum of eight suppliers.

Tenderers can apply for, and be successful in, one, several, or all lots. The Lots are:

  1. Tractors.
  2. Tractor Mounted Equipment.
  3. Mowers.
  4. Miscellaneous.

The framework agreement will be established by ranking tenderers from first to fifth for each lot (except for Lot Four where tenders will be ranked first to eighth), based on the scores received under the stated award criteria.

Once established, the framework will operate under the cascade method whereby the tenderer ranked first will have first option on all business for that lot for a 12 month period. If the number one ranked supplier is unable (for any reason) to meet any requirements when required then the second ranked tenderer will be consulted, followed by third, and so on until the requirement is met.

A mini-tender will be held on an annual basis (using a notional basket of goods) where the members of the framework for each lot will be invited to resubmit details (including prices) against the award criteria in order to determine new rankings for the coming 12 months.

It is emphasised, Dublin City Council makes no guarantee of the volume of supplies to be sourced under the framework agreement.

Please see the tender documents for full details.

Type of Contract: Supplies.

Contracting authority: Dublin City Council, Civic Offices, Wood Quay Dublin, Dublin 8, Ireland. Contact: Gary Sullivan.

Response deadline: 27-11-2018 12:00 (Irish time).

Currency: EUR.

Main CPV code: 16000000-5 Agricultural machinery.

CPV codes:
16700000-2 Tractors.
34390000-7 Tractor accessories.
16141000-5 Fertiliser distributors.
16150000-1 Lawn or sports-ground rollers.
16310000-1 Mowers.
16311000-8 Lawnmowers.
16311100-9 Lawn, park, or sports-ground mowers.
6400000-9 Spraying machinery for agriculture or horticulture.
16500000-0 Self-loading or unloading trailers and semi-trailers for agriculture.

You can learn more about this tender and the associated equipment specifications here.

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